It seems unemployment pressure is itching Cadres eyes amid the Covid-19 when touching your eyes is not allowed and those leading them, to some it feels as if time is waiting for no Man. By the way: “The Presence of a Cadre in any trading place brings fear to traders as long as they are in their outfit or party regalia.” Instead of making arrangements for Cadres to disturb people’s peace in trading places, The leaders should consider mobilizing them and help them out to form cooperatives, explain to them the role of the Small and Medium Enterprise Ministry. Let Technocrats seat them down and explain to them that SME ministry is for those “bamene bakonda tuma bine (those who like small business) and they are in that Category. Now to you the Cadres, going in the market and have a depo is not a Job, because one day another government will takeover and that administration will kick you out. That is not sustainable. Ask for sustainable forms of empowerment such that even when there will be a...